Part 78: 10/01/09 - 10/28/09: Chaos Theory
Okay, strictly speaking, I know. I know we haven't finished October yet in FES. It's just one day, though.

Won't even be noticable here, I promise. Rather than worry about that, let's start to wrap up some. Like Saori; she's pretty close to done.

There aren't many people here today...

And... It seems like nobody wants me to be checking their books out anyway, so...

I'll go put the book returns back on the shelves.
> You can hear several boys gossiping behind the shelves...

You hung out with her? ...Seriously?
Another Male Student: She'll do anything you ask. It's like she can't say no.


I'm going to kick them out.

N-No, don't. It's not going to change anything.

I was a fool...

...Thanks. I'm really happy that you're willing to stand up for someone like me...

Everything about that article is a lie...

All those things about me having sex and seducing boys and acting superior...

I don't care how other people see me... But I want you to know that.

I believe you.

Thank you... As long as you understand, I don't need anything else...
> ...Even though she says she doesn't care, is this really the truth?
> Being lied about, having nasty rumors spread about her, and now transferring to another school after all this...
> That seems like nothing more than confessing to all the lies being said...

Let's clear these lies up.

Huh...? B-But how...?

Make them see the truth!

But, how can I do that to everyone...?
Announcement: Takao Yamaguchi of class 1-E, we have found your lost property.
> The school announcements...?

That's it!

> You suggested that you use the school broadcast to speak to all the students in the school.

The broadcast... B-But I can't do that...

You can do it!



I don't want people to think the wrong things about me...

I want them all to be my friends...

I... always thought that...


If you'll be by my side...

Then I'll do it...
> Saori looks like she's about to cry...
> Saori's hands are as frigid as ice...
> You clasp her hand tightly...

Kotone-chan... I'll... do my best.

I need to do this... Running away won't help...
> Saori seems to be trying to encourage herself...

...But I remember something.

I've heard that before, but never believed it...

You're the one who made me feel that way before...

But I'm going to do this, because you believe in me.
> Saori grips your hand tightly...
Yeah, uh, that's rather oddly placed in this scene. It just sorta happens now and then the scene like keeps going for way longer.
> Saori went into the broadcast room...
> ...Eventually, you begin to hear Saori's voice over the intercom.

Everything in that magazine article is a lie. I never said anything to a journalist.

That picture is of me.

I didn't know how it would be used, and I deeply regret not considering that when I agreed to let it be taken.
Yelling Voice: Hey, Hasegawa!
> Teachers are rushing your way...

How disrespectful do you have to be to hijack the school broadcast to pull a stunt like this!?

Hasegawa! Stop this at once!
> Mr. Ekoda moves towards the door to the broadcast room...


Now, look how wonderful Ms. Toriumi's students are!


Ms. Ounishi, isn't Hasegawa one of your students? Her behavior must be caused by your teaching ability.

...Is she saying anything that isn't true? If I recall, the one who tried to cover up the truth about that was--
I love the low-key admission here from Edogawa that he's a colossal dickhead.

> The broadcast continues...

I love this school.

The teachers are kind but strict, and I have a friend who believes in me...

I'm very sorry that I cause all of you, students and faculty, any trouble.

I really am sorry... From the bottom of my heart...
> Saori's voice trembles...


Maybe Saori-san joined the drama club.
> People are gathering around the broadcast room...

E-Everyone, get lost!

Everybody, if you stay here I'm goign to begin handing out homework!
> This single comment causes the students to flee in moments...
> Saori comes out of the broadcast room...

...I'm sorry for what I did. I don't care if I get suspended or expelled because of this...

You wanted to prove your innocence, didn't you?


Everyone's said so many terrible things about me... but I've never done anything wrong.


Was there any other way?

...Who knows? Still, you should have brought this issue to us first.

That makes this our problem. Mr. Ekoda, leave these students to us.


Aren't you the one going on every day about how I should be taking on more duties as a teacher?


...I-I'd better see a report about this when it's over!
> Mr. Ekoda leaves...

Shiomi-san, write up a report about this for us.

Something about how we all sat down, we should have given this more thought, blah blah blah. ...Or should I do it?

You seem to be letting her off rather easily.
It's sorta jarring seeing Japanese honorifics AND English titles in the same sentence, honestly. Like it's an obvious thing that easily came up before but seeing them next to each other really highlights just how... off that is.

What she did made me feel a lot better too.

I don't know how many times I've reprimanded my student for gossiping but they just wouldn't listen.

It must have taken guts to stand up for yourself like this.

Oh... yes. But, it's because Kotone-chan was with me...

Yes, yes, you're the best teacher in the universe, Ms. Toriumi.

...Well then, you're free to go. I don't even want an essay out of you.

Th-Thank you very much.
> You walked home with Saori, who was laughing cheerfully...
And THAT'S where the scene just... ends. Yep. It's a super long scene that's oddly paced both internally and just in general.

Speaking of things that aren't that great... Ken's link sure is a thing.
After School
> Ken is demolishing his Calcium Meal...
> ...?
> You see something black on Ken's wrist...

Yes? What is it?

> Ken's face turn bright red...

Um, from calligraphy class...
> Ken rubs at the ink on his wrist...

Don't worry about it so much.

But... I hate being dirty.
> Ken speaks in a voice barely above a whisper...

I forgot that I had homework...

It was to write the name of something that I like...


Did you not write anything?

I-I did write something.


> Ken turns bright red...
> It would appear that Ken likes omelette and fried rice.
> Maybe you should make it for him sometime...
> You suggest that to him.


Y-You don't have to!


You really are nice, Kotone-san...

...Everyone else is, too.

She said that she wanted to have some.

...But she didn't buy any for herself.

Junpei-san always gives me the toys that comes with the candy he buys.

Even though he only gets a piece of gum...

He says that he likes the gum better than the toy, but that can't be true...

...Everyone is so nice.
> Ken smiles...

...There's no need to be so nice to me.

That goes for you too...
> Ken suddenly looks like he's ready to burst into tears...

That's just how I am.

Then... You don't act like that because you think I need it?



Six years...


Six years... between you and me.
> Ken sighs softly...
> You feel that you've grown closer to seeing Ken's true feelings...


Oh, actually... Never mind.

...Never mind!
> You and Ken finished your dinner and returned to the dorm together.
Oh don't worry. It's gonna get worse before it gets better.

But you know what can't get worse? Rio. Rio's already long past rock bottom.

C'mon, no walking! Show some hustle!
Member with Glasses: Rio's made such a sudden comeback. We should call her a phoenix...
Short-Haired Member: Phoenix Rio... Why not just call her Rinix?
Member with Glasses: Phoenwasaki sounds good too. Though it does sound like some kind of monster...

Hey, if you don't stop flapping your jaws my next serve is going straight for your face!
Short-Haired Member: Ooh, bring it on! I'll smack it right back at you!
> Everyone is talking now more than before, but they're all enjoying the practice...
Short-Haired Member: Maybe we should ask her if she wants to join us on a group date... when it isn't during practice.

Rio going on a group date...?
Short-Haired Member: Not a good idea. She's gonna steal all the men away.

Hey, you three! Shut it before I make you do more squats!
> You finished today's practice and helped clean up...

Everyone was trying really hard to keep the balls in the court...

I really think everyone's committed to the team now.


Well, no... I know they were all committed to each other the whole time.

I guess I only just now saw what we were missing.

I didn't take the time to see who excelled in which positions...

You've really got an eye for details. Seriously, you're a much better leader than I am.


Let's keep doing our best.
> Rio seems calm, as if she's matured a little recently...
> The two of you had a meal at Wuck before you headed back to the dorm...
After it got past inexplicable Kenji, it's amazing how much better the link got. It even made Rio into a normal, sensible person!

Speaking of normalcy, we already covered the major differences leading up to the full moon and everything during it and the fall out. We've got pre-exam meandering to deal with right now, though, which involves hanging out with Maiko a bit. I mostly just skipped over it since it's basically all the same though rank 9 gives this one difference. This'll be more relevant waaaaaaay down the line, but it's still important to remember.
We'll just skip from here to post-exams and... then a bit further still.

All the way to the 19th when we get a chance to properly hang out with Rio again.
Short-Haired Member: Let's clean up, then! Oh yeah, Rio. Did you give any thought to that group date?

Hmm...You know, you can leave me out. I don't need a boyfriend.
Short-Haired Member: C'mon... You need a better man to love than Kenji. Seriously.
Member with Glasses: Great, then we're all doomed.

Very funny.
Also: accurate.
> The other club members went back to the school, leaving you alone with Rio...

...This feels like it was a while back, when it was just the two of us practicing together.

Stuff like group dates and everything... They're all being nosy, aren't they?

I... never thought that I'd be asking other people about things like love.
> Rio laughs...

I thought it was right to sacrifice everything and devote myself to the club...

...But I had forgotten something very important.

...To have fun.

I forgot the joy of volleyball...

Take a look at this.
> Rio holds a worn-out book in her hand...

It's a beginner's guide.

I'd read this in bed, while I ate, even during class.

I want to give this to you.

I want you to have the thing that gave me so much inspiration back then...

I think... It'll help me remember that I'm not alone.

So... please.

I'll cherish this.

Yeah... I'm glad to hear that.

It's all because of you that I came to realize all these things.

You've been with me every step of the way, giving me the extra push that I needed.

You always kept an eye out for those around you...

...Thank you.
> Rio bows in a slightly embarrassed manned...
> You sense a strong bond with Rio...
The Path is Open

As long as I kept thinking that way, things would never turn out right.

Maybe... the same thing can be said about life, too.

Ha... I'm only 17, anyway!
> Rio laughs, embarrassed...

Hey, let's change and get to Wuck. Everyone said they'd meet us there!

C'mon, Kotone!
> You had a fun time at Wild-duck with the other club members...
> After an enjoyable meal, you returned to the dorm...
We're gonna get a couple more alternative S.Links maxed this time, as well. You can probably guess what they're gonna be, though.

On that note, let's spend the evening playing with Koromaru!
Warm Feeling
> Koromaru is scratching himself with his hind leg...
> You recall that happened once before...
> You asked Koromaru if he wants you to brush him.

> Koromaru is wagging his tail...

> Koromaru rolled over.
> Where should you start brushing him...?
The back, of course! The other options are "face" and "paws" so...


> .....?
> The fur around Koromaru's stomach feels a little different...
Aww, that's from when he fought that Shadow a few months ago!
> You recall that he didn't like having his stomach touched...

> Koromaru is looking up at you with his big eyes...
> Even when you touch his stomach, Koromaru doesn't shy away from it...
> You feel as if Koromaru has opened up to you...
> Koromaru is yawning contentedly...
> You spent a quiet moment with Koromaru...
Next day, we're gonna spend the evening with Ken but this isn't a normal social link scene. It's, uh, special.
Living With Determination

> Ken falls silent.

I'm with you.

Yes... Thank you very much.

It's... hard to live, isn't it?

Living... is painful...

> Ken begins to sob, but no tears fall from his eyes...
> You couldn't bring yourself to say anything to him.
> You waited until Ken calmed down, then you returned to the dorm together.
Anyway, let's finally finish up Saori's bland mediocrity.

Oh no, it's my job as a member of the library committee to be here.

I see... You're a hard-working girl.

Hopefully more people will come to understand that in time.

Ms. Ounishi... Thank you very much.

...Hey, Kotone-chan. Would you mind walking with me to the school gates?

This is where we say... farewell.

See ya!

...This is my last day here at Gekkoukan.

I'm leaving for that private school I told you about tonight.

I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you...
> Saori smiles...

I'm going to try to start over and try to stand up on my own.

You can do it, Saori.

Thanks. I'll never forget about you.

I've always been told... to not have any opinions for myself.

...That is was an easier way to live.

I can make anything someone else's fault...

But this is my life, and what I do happens to me.

No one can take my place, and I have no one to blame but myself for what I let happen to me.

That's why I need to stand on my own.

I need to have my own voice...
> Saori laughs cheerfully...

But, I had no one to give me the final push that I needed.

...And I was too scared to accept it, even if I did have someone to help me.

But you pushed me forward, along with all the fears I had.

That's why... I was able to do this.
> Saori takes her cellphone out of her pocket.
> You can hear her voice being played from it.
> ...It seems to be a recording of the school announcement.

Heh... I made a recording of the announcement as I was making it.

Whenever I feel scared or discouraged, I'm going to listen to it.

I was brave and spoke my own mind, and you helped me find that courage...

I'm sure that this will give me strength if I ever need it.

I want you to remember this, too.

Please remember that it's because of you that I was able to do my best. You saved me.

So... please take this.
> You saved it on your own cellphone...

Lastly... Let's shake hands.
> Saori's hand is warm...
> You tightly clasp her trembling hand...
> You sense a strong bond with Saori...
The Path is Open

...That's why I wanted to hurry up and become an adult...

Every night, I would pray to the starts that I wanted to be grown up. Now, I look back at my childhood and laugh.

I wish I could go back to those innocent times...

Maybe it's for the best that one's first love almost never comes true.

...Well then, I'm going to go.

Thank you... Goodbye!
> Saori walks away with her head held high...
> You went back to the dorm alone...
Honestly, uh, Saori's link is... certainly there. It's pretty easy to see why, as weird and creepy as it got, folks prefer "Maya" to Saori. Say what you like about it, at least it ain't boring.

...Let's keep this train of bad times going along, shall we? This is about to get... very awful.
After School


...Oh, th-thanks for the food!
> Ken begins eating vigorously...

Yep, it's delicious.

*munch munch*

It's really good!
> As Ken happily tears into the food, he gets ketchup all over his face...
> ...Seeing how happy you've made him makes up for the effort.

Thank you very much, Kotone-san.

> You feel that you've gotten even closer to Ken...

I'm full.
> After finishing the dish, Ken finally relaxes...
> ...?
> He suddenly falls silent, though...

D-Do you... cook for other people like this, too?

...Do you have one?

Oh, um, well!

I saw on TV that all high school girls have a boyfriend, so...

Um... I was wondering... if you had one too, Kotone-san.

It's that...

If you did have one...


Wh-What am I saying!?

A kid like me shouldn't be butting into personal stuff like that!

So, I haven't mentioned it before but Kotone doesn't have mandatory dating. She has a couple possible romance options... that are all only in SEES... and they require several steps to get that are pretty variable. We've seen Shinji's, and his just required completing his S.Link.
Ken is one of the romance options. Ken. The 11 year old. There are several dialogue options you have to answer the "right" way.

I have one.
...Which this isn't. Cutting this off at the legs right away. It also technically isn't a lie!

I... thought so...

I mean, that's what the TV said. I'm not surprised.
> Ken mutters to himself for a while...

Ah, thank you for the food!

Well then, I should... get to bed.

...Good night!
> Ken quickly cleans up the dishes and goes back to his room...
The scene DOES continue for longer if you tell him you don't have a boyfriend. There's two more dialogue options that are also Lover Route flags (ugh) so I could've gone further before culling it, but I'm putting my foot down hard on that one.

And because we need to wash the vile out really fast, let's hang out with Akihiko for the first time in quite a while.
Living With Determination

I'm happy to be with you.

I-I see...

Why're you so...?

> Akihiko seems to be at a loss...

> Akihiko looks down at the ground...

Yes, of course.

I haven't been able to get it all arranged in my own head, though...
> Akihiko slowly begins speaking...

My younger sister, who I couldn't save...


I was the only person she had.

There weren't any kids around her age at the orphanage, so she didn't have any friends.

She'd always tag along after me, and call me "big bro" all the time...

> Akihiko bites down on his lip...

She was so small... She never knew her parents' faces, or had good food to eat, or got to have any toys...

She had nothing...


Isn't there some kind of saying... like about how being alive is a kind of sin?
> Akihiko's lips are trembling...

That's not true!


She's dead and gone... I understand that, and I've accepted it.

But... I can't do anything about the anger and sadness that I feel...

I have to live with that for the rest of my life...


Here's what I wanted to tell you...

...I'm sorry.
> Akihiko hides his face from you in his pain...
> Why did he tell you about this...?
> You sense Akihiko's faint affection towards you...

But if that's not what it is, then these feelings I have...


Why don't we start heading back home?


...We should get back.
> You and Akihiko returned to the dorm together.
Remember when this link was about light and cheery things like high school girls getting jealous and Akihiko being an awkward dork? Sure got real just now...

Let's do something ACTUALLY light and upbeat now, and go to cooking club. Sure.

Tadaa! It's a decorated cake!
> The notebook that Fuuka held out to you has a detailed recipe written in Fuuka's handwriting.
> She's even drawn a picture of it. ...It seems to be a whole cake with tons of fruits on it.

Let's make a small one and split it. *giggle* I'm really looking forward to it.
> You decided to make a fruit-filled cake together.
>Fuuka is consulting her notes while meticulously going through each step...

60 grams of sugar...

Oh, this is salt...
I have long since ceased being surprised by this, personally. After mixing up a tablespoon and a ladle, there's very little she could do to top that in this kinda kitchen.
> Fuuka is slowly making progress and checking each ingredient...
> This must be the "method of cooking for those that aren't good at it" that Fuuka invented...
Ah yes, also known as "paying attention" and "focusing on what you're doing." Truly revolutionary.
> ...A fragrant aroma is wafting from the oven.

Umm, now to decorate it...

Whipped cream and fruits are put between the layers...

That reminds me, I bought a chocolate plate, too. Can you write something on it?

It's not anyone's birthday.

True, but I think this place would go well on a round cake.

... Wait, that's what I want to hear.
> Fuuka is laughing...
> What should you write...?

Friends Forever!

Friends... *giggle* Thanks. This is one really delightful cake...

Should we eat this at the dorm? If you don't mind, come to my room.

Well then, let's eat.

*giggle* This is delicious. I bet it tastes just as good as the ones they sell in stores.
Honestly, that doesn't really contradict what Fuuka just said...
> But Fuuka is happily eating it...

...I'll never forget the flavor of this cake I made with you, Kotone-chan.

...Thank you.

That's right... Um, there's another reason why I had you come to my room...

I want you to have this.
> You received something from Fuuka.

Since you're always listening to music, I thought you might like these.

Remember how I told you that I was pretty good with mechanical devices?

I wanted to thank you with something that I'm good at!

...No, it's not because I want to repay you for your kindness. I just wanted to give that to you.

...I felt that I just really wanted you to enjoy them.

You're a precious friend of mine, after all...
> You replaced your old headphones with the ones Fuuka gave you...
> ...!
> The sound is amazing!
> The technology she used must be revolutionary.

I'll take good care of them.

> Fuuka seems happy...
> You sense a strong bond with Fuuka...
The Path is Open

Time flies by when you're having fun...

...Then again, we live in the same dorm and go to the same school, so I can see you any time...

Thank you for today.
Eh, nah.

But I know that you're busy, and I'd feel bad if I took up all your time...

*chuckle* But it would be nice if I could have you all to myself.
> You spent a long time together with Fuuka.
Fuuka's link here being an extended one-note joke was kinda annoying, honestly. I get wanting to change it a bit, but it was too much and really gratingly tedious at times. At least it's done now, so hopefully we'll never have to see this ""joke"" again.

But fun's over. Let's go make one of the most difficult choices in all of video game history.
Warm Feeling

That's a pity, since the wind is so nice right now.

Do you come here often?

No, not so much lately.


Shinji used to come up here when he skipped his classes.

He'd fall asleep, so I'd come here when my club activities were over to get him...
> Akihiko laughs nostalgically...

You can see out into the distance from here...

It's so far that my eyes start to hurt trying to see it all...
So, like Ken's scene before this one has a few variations. Unlike Ken's scene, this one is based on choices we made in earlier scenes for this link. That's really not something the series does, never mind this game, so it stands out.
Also, also it's noteworthy because it is partially voice-acted. But only partially. It's a weird scene in general, because it breaks many of The Established Rules and Persona 5 didn't follow its lead on any of those.


I'm tired of losing what's important.

I thought it would be better not to let things get too important than to risk losing them...

But lately, I don't think so.
> Akihiko looks straight into your eyes...

If I want to avoid that feeling...

And that means everything precious...

...including you.
> Akihiko looks at you with strength and determination in his eyes...
> You can sense his resolve...
> Akihiko is glaring at you for some reason...

Tell me what you need to say.

I-I will! I was getting to it!
> Akihiko is so excited that he has begun shouting at you without realizing it.
For what its worth, Liam O'Brien sure wasn't shouting.
> ...It seems that he wasn't actually glaring at you.
> Could he... be nervous?


It's really strange...

I really liked hanging out together.

...I used to, anyway.

What about now?


But now...

I feel all tense and on edge...

...It's the weirdest thing.

You're in love.

This is love?


> Akihiko suddenly turns red...

It already slipped out, but...

I'd... like to know how you feel.

...Not gonna lie, I sat here for way too long staring at the choices and mulling it over. In the end, there's really only one option...



Oh, sorry!


Well then... Here's hoping for the best, right?

Wow... This got awkward all of a sudden...

> You and Akihiko spoke quietly until the sun went down...
> Afterwards, you went back to the dorm together.
As much as I would love to leave it here, there's one last thing to do this month.

We COULD get another Ken rank, but since I instantly shut off the romance path there we can't rank it up yet. Which means we get to finish off with more Koromaru instead. Everyone wins!
Warm Feeling
> Koromaru is nuzzling you contentedly...
> You spent a peaceful moment with Koromaru...
> Fuuka arrived...

> Koromaru is wagging his tail happily...

Good boy...
> Fuuka is petting Koromaru...

Hey, Kotone-chan...

I wonder... if we're okay as replacements for that priest.

It's because he can't let go of that priest, right?


Do you think Koro-chan is still feeling lonely...?

...It might be faster if we just ask Aigis to interpret for us.

But... I'm a little scared to get a straight answer.

> Koromaru is looking up at you quietly...

Is it hard to let go?

> Koromaru is leaning towards you...
> He smells like a sunny day...

Koro-chan looks so content... He must really like you, Kotone-chan...

> You feel as though you can directly understand Koromaru's feelings...
> You should try telling Fuuka what Koromaru wishes to say...

Hm? What is it?
> The way Koromaru thinks of us is...

He sees us as friends.

> Koromaru is wagging his tail...

I see...

I see, that's right...

Koro-chan has so many memories of his own too...

...I'm sorry, Koro-chan.

> Koromaru licked Fuuka's hand...

*giggle* What a sweet dog...


Hey, Kotone-chan.

Let's make sure to stay with Koro-chan for the priest too...

Let's go on living together with him...

> Koromaru is running in circles as if he's happy...
> You sense Koromaru's feelings...

> Koromaru is cowering in fear...
> You comforted Koromaru and convinced Fuuka that Koromaru wasn't hungry...
> It's getting late, so you decide to go back to your room...
And that's it for now, unfortunately. Hmm, shame that we're out of time too. There's just a few days left before the final battle. Let's see what they have in store for us, then...